Offerte di Lavoro

Resident Manager France (Rif.: SG/210/FR)

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SCS Selezionehttp://www.scsselezione.itInternational Company Leader in forestry, gardening and agricultural field is searching for a

General Manager for production unit of Company based in France.

Italian resident (with good knowledge of French and English language) or French resident (with good knowledge of Italian and English language), 40-50 years old.

Minimum 5 years of direct experience in management roles in France, preferably from industries of plastics material processing.

The primary objective of the GM is to be a direct representative capable of taking and making decisions on behalf of the Company and is responsible for all aspects of a company’s operation and also act as representative of the Company. The GM supervises the results and performances of all the companies of the Company (French headquarter, USA and South Africa plants). The GM must possess good management skills, solid experience in business management that also enables him the directly manage of main customers and must have strong technical skills in the industries of plastics material processing. 2010081520101101Francia

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